CCs: Aimsey, Guqqie, Ranboo

YAY: STEM, stranger things, umbrella academy, books, video games (ESPECIALLY RUSTY LAKE), LVJY, puzzles and mysteries, musical theatre, falsettos, genloss, COMMUNITY!! (the show), storms <3, the magnus archives
NOPE: BIOLOGY (*distant booing*), buses

•i swear and tweet all caps often
•i do not upload art regularly
•any masc, fem and androgynous terms are all okay!
•i criticize ccs
•rt heavy
•english isnt my first language, so there will be mistakes! sorry!
•kys/die jokes are okay from moots
•please tell me if i mess up!
•basic dni criteria (homophobe, racist, antisemite etc.)
•dream stans/fans, dttwt in general
•support mspec "lesbians"
•dont support neopronouns
•weird subtweets (e.g. poppytwt)
•nsfw account